Yesterday we all took time to eat turkey and focus on Thanksgiving! As everyone arises today the focus for most is on shopping and buying stuff on Black Friday. I would like to share how God showed Beth and I the value of starting every day by counting your blessings! In the midst of Beth’s horrendous health storm she experienced extreme insomnia. Many nights she couldn’t fall a sleep until 2-3 in the morning. One night I hugged Beth and said, “Let’s pray the ABC’s”! She was a little puzzled. I suggested we thank the Lord for something or someone that starts with every letter of the alphabet. We could switch off letters. Beth started with A, our daughter-in-law, Alex, I had B which was Beth and the Bible. We luckily had Z covered, our son-in-law Zach. In the years ahead, we never got to Z before Beth fell asleep. Oh the power of gratitude in the Storms of Life to change your perspective!