
Start every day praying the “ABC’s of Gratitude”

Yesterday we all took time to eat turkey and focus on Thanksgiving!  As everyone arises today the focus for most is on shopping and buying stuff on Black Friday.  I would like to share how God showed Beth and I the value of starting every day by counting your blessings!  In the midst of Beth’s horrendous health storm she experienced extreme insomnia.  Many nights she couldn’t fall a sleep until 2-3  in the morning.  One night I hugged Beth and said, “Let’s pray the ABC’s”!  She was a little puzzled.  I suggested we thank the Lord for something or someone that starts with every letter of the alphabet.  We could switch off letters. Beth started with A, our daughter-in-law, Alex, I had B which was Beth and the Bible.  We luckily had Z covered, our son-in-law Zach.  In the years ahead, we never got to Z before Beth fell asleep.  Oh the power of gratitude in the Storms of Life to change your perspective!

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